Samstag, 26. März 2011

Holiday with Sabina in the north Ethiopia

Enfin, après une longue durée de ne pas se voir, Sabina est arrivée à Addis Ababa dans mes bras il y deux semaines. Et elle savoure le meilleur café au monde provenant du berceau de ce boisson magnifique. (Photo: Addis Ababa, 25.3.2011)

Et que font les suisses? De la randonnée:-) dans les magnifiques Simien Mountains, 4 days trekking with cook, mules, guide and scout... (Photo: Imet Gogo, Simien Mountains, 19.3.2011)

The  Blue Nil falls near the City Bahir Dar. From here, the Blue Nil flows to the capital of Sudan (Karthum) and joins the White Nil and coninues to the Mediteran Sea, 5'500 km from here. (Photo: Tis Isar, 23.3.2011)

 Le cours du temps semble s'est arrêté... sans jugement, dans la region rurale de l'Ethiopie, c'est la vie du moyen age... (Photo: Tis Isar, 23.3.2011)

Christianisme (orthodox/coptes) is a very important part of Ethipian culture since the 4th century... The small town of Lalibela is famous for several rock churches carved completely in stone, very impressing... The name of this church is St. Georg (like the best beer in Ethiopia). (Photo: Lalibela 15.3.2011)
Lunch stop during the 10 h bus ride back to Addis Ababa. We recommand Ethiopian food warmly (auch jeden Dienstag abend oder so in der Villa Stucki in Bern zu geniessen). (Photo: Debre Markos 24.3.2011)

And meanwhile I hope Sabina arrived safely in Switzerland... And I will be back on 20th of April 2011:-)

Montag, 7. März 2011

Somaliland Weekend Trip

I am very happy to have gone to exciting Somaliland during the last weekend by road... An unbeliveable peaceful country which does not exist officially as not recognised by nobody because of geopolitical games of the West! It was the most exciting border crossing and the way back in the most cramped bus ride sitting on the jerry can... But a very interesting place - and hardly any tourist unfortunately.  (Foto: 5.3.2011 after the border)

Hargeisa, the capital, nice city with peaceful people, no hassle. Staid in a friendly Hotel Oriental in the middle of the city center And very luckily I went on private mission, so no crazy securtiy obligations by UN:-) The picture on the left is the automatic morning alarm clock, a nice three floor mosque. Picture taken from the roof of the Hotel. (Foto: 5.3.2011 Hargeisa)

As I visited project sites from and with Caritas Switzerland, the funny thing was the obligated escort (2 young guys with old guns who protected me, but I don't know from what). But was difficult to get a picture from them... The only one is this well in a wadi (temporary river) built by Caritas. (Foto: 5.3.2011 somewhere between Wajaale and Hergeisa)